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Career Seminars – Kerem PİKER

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Our guest at the last Career Seminar of 2019 was Mr. Kerem Piker, the founder of KPM – Kerem Piker Architecture. He started his talk by stating that he had to follow an unplanned career path and emphasized that taking various paths might bring better opportunities for us. He also stated that architecture is a vast intellectual thought rather than being a target or a means.

Mr. Piker provided us with details on the project they have prepared as a team to be exhibited at “Todo dia/Everyday” XXII International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo. Having evaluated over 760 submissions worldwide, the committee has selected 50 projects as eligible for the exhibition. The research project IPL (Informal Parking Lots of İstanbul) submitted by KPM-Kerem Piker Architecture in cooperation with Emre Dörter, photographer and Ekin Erar, an architect was among these 50 projects. Mr. Piker stated that “open calls” for proposals, such as this one, can be seen as great opportunities to reveal our minds to others and it had been launched an open call for all the architects in the world to submit their projects for exhibition at Sao Paulo Biennale. He explained how to convert existing buildings for public use and hence they have decided on a different project through liquid public spaces. He told that they have departed from the idea of parking lots for their project and added that parking lots are convenient for personalizing unused/unoccupied areas. To Mr. Piker, parking lots are designed and constructed areas creating its own spatial template while at the same time they are the areas where the ownership structure of the town has found existence. He concluded his talk by saying that these amorphous spaces which were never designated as a parking lot tend to take the shape of its container in daily life and then he answered questions from students.