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Our guest in February was İsmet Atalar, retired vice president of ASELSAN Technology and Strategy. He started his talk telling our students about the fields of defence industry they can work in. He stated that the particular needs of the armed forces should be determined at the first step. He added that many institutions contribute to the cycle of process including the planning of solution, development of the product, manufacturing the prototype, testing and evaluation, mass production, taking into operation and the utilization.
Products manufactured in this industry are often planned to be used for over 10 years, thus they will constantly require maintenance and support with new designs. Mr. Atalar also mentioned the companies that our students can be employed at as well as their number of employees and available departments. He demonstrated how various designs in defence industry are applied to the naval/air/land vehicles through examples. He emphasized that System Engineering is a very significant concept while neither university have offered such an undergraduate program so far, however some have started graduate programs in this area. The key features and subroutines of the system are analysed thoroughly one by one and all the details from the determination of the need to the integration are dealt with by system engineers.
Mr. Atalar later talked about the steps of his own career that he’d spent a few years in many different positions, how he loved his work and how it always comes to someone’s attention when you devote yourself to your work. He finalized his talk with a Q&A session.