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Conversations with Turkey's Career Pioneers – Ömer Turna

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The first guest of December was Turkish Educational Foundation, Ankara Department Manager and Operations Manager of Student Residences, Ömer Turna. Mr. Turna began the conversation by talking about Industry 4.0, digitalization and artificial intelligence and explained that standardization of education is wrong because learning process differs from one person to another. He stressed that educational methods have developed in a way that leads the teachers to guide the students, rather than just transferring the knowledge.

Mr. Turna told that he has analysed the Finish educational system and stated that their system has become a global example in 10 years. Mr. Turna explained that most of the eastern countries are well developed in terms of education and gave an example from Singapore, pointing the need to reinterpret education.

Mr. Turna mentioned topics including innovative skills, digital literacy, career and life skills and specified the problems of communication, individualization and social disunity. He emphasized the need to develop communicative skills.

Mr. Turna also talked about the ever-changing roles of the teachers and indicated that Turkey has the youngest teacher population amongst the OECD countries which brings along both advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Turna explained the procedures of teacher training, development and employment and stated that profession of teaching will become popular by year 2019. Mr. Turna ended the conversation by answering the questions about teacher appointments and following the conversation he participated a program on Radio TEDU.