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Conversations with Career Pioneers – Dr. Ahmet Çıtıpıtıoğlu

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Our last guest in April was Dr. Ahmet Çıtıpıtıoğlu, Director of Construction, Engineering and Design at TAV. He started his talk telling that they are not only constructing buildings now but also how do they plan the facilites for the end user and how do they use technology to fill in the gaps. Then he compared the sector today and what it was like in the 90s with the techological level of that time, how it progressed in the meantime; he told that a task that would take a week in the old times now only takes an hour and is achieved even more efficiently.

Mr. Çıtıpıtıoğlu told about the TAV examples such as Abu Dhabi Guggengheim Museum, Kuwait Airport, Dubai Damac Paramount Towers, Jeddah Aircraft Maintenance Hangar, Paris ADP Headquarters, Istanbul Emaar Square Hotel and Mall. He then demonstrated the client copy of the presentation video of Abu Dhabi Midfield Terminal construction, which he told it was their proud, and added that they can exactly tell when to complete which part of the construction thanks to the simulation they have prepared beforehand. He also told that airport design is very similar to urban design involving several types of construction. He told that it is now possible to monitor the whole construction and its details thanks to the cell phone application released about a year ago and thus he introduced the novelties and new positions available in the project design and realization processes with developing technology.

Emphasizing the importance of cooperation and communication skills for their careers, Mr. Çıtıpıtıoğlu also told students that speaking fluent English is not adequate; but it is also equally important to be able to convey one’s thoughts and while doing this it is essential to be able to understand the other person. He then concluded his talk with a Q&A session.