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Career Seminars – Kerem PİKER


Our guest at the last Career Seminar of 2019 was Mr. Kerem Piker, the founder of KPM – Kerem Piker Architecture. He started his talk by stating that he had to follow an unplanned career path and emphasized that taking various paths might bring better opportunities for us. He also stated that architecture is a vast intellectual thought rather than being a target or a means.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – Dr. Ahmet Çıtıpıtıoğlu

Our last guest in April was Dr. Ahmet Çıtıpıtıoğlu, Director of Construction, Engineering and Design at TAV. He started his talk telling that they are not only constructing buildings now but also how do they plan the facilites for the end user and how do they use technology to fill in the gaps. Then he compared the sector today and what it was like in the 90s with the techological level of that time, how it progressed in the meantime; he told that a task that would take a week in the old times now only takes an hour and is achieved even more efficiently.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – Hasan Süel

Our guest in April was Mr. Hasan Süel, Vice President at Executive Board of Vodafone Turkey and The President of Vodafone Turkey Foundation. He started his talk telling about his TED Ankara College times and stated that he is in 26th year of his career and he is going to share what he has learnt along the way.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Aslan

Our first guest in April was Mr. Deniz Aslan, Architect/Landscape Architect, the founder of DS Architecture. He started his talk explaining the starting point of the title of his presentation: “Encounters.” He continued his presentation giving details on the projects such as One Ortaköy, Ulus Savoy, Torun Center Quasar, Zorlu Center, İSKİ Terkos, RİVA Housing Project, Sakarya Forest Park, Zeynep-Sami Erol House ASOS ve Hande Bozdoğan House SAROS.

Bring your CV's to checked

Bring your CV's to checked with the support of our ELS teachers before giving them to the Career Fair Companies. They will be waiting all day for you at the entrance of the fair.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – Tanzer Tunçalp

Our guest in March was Tanzer Tunçalp, Production Planning Manager at ARÇELİK A.Ş. He started his talk introducing himself, and then he summed up what’s in store for the Industry Engineering students in their business life after graduation, what are the expectations of companies from them and what are they likely to experience in the course of their careers.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – İsmet Atalar

Our guest in February was İsmet Atalar, retired vice president of ASELSAN Technology and Strategy. He started his talk telling our students about the fields of defence industry they can work in. He stated that the particular needs of the armed forces should be determined at the first step. He added that many institutions contribute to the cycle of process including the planning of solution, development of the product, manufacturing the prototype, testing and evaluation, mass production, taking into operation and the utilization.

Conversations with Career Pioneers – Nevzat Sayın

The first career pioneer of December was Mr. Nevzat Sayın, an architect and an author. He started his talk stating that he based his conversation on “Beginnings,” which he underlined as one of the most difficult subjects for architecture students. Sayın said that the magic of architecture lies in the beginnings, in being prepared.

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